From the yellow brick road to the zebra body stocking

A few nights ago I went to see the ever so fabulous Rufus Wainwright singing Judy Garland songs. Camping it up slightly his voice is amazing, he even slurred a little in an authentic Judy manner. He transformed me to another time, and to say I loved it doesn’t even really come close.

What was surprising though was the appearance of his sister Martha – not in that she was there and popped in to sing a couple of songs – more that she was wearing a see-through zebra print body stocking with big black pants.

I was in the gods and I swear I could see what she had for lunch so I don’t know about those in the posh seats.

The whole evening only added fire to my love of all things Judy.

Also, in a cultural moment I went to see the Dirt exhibition at the Wellcome Institute and Taryn Simon at the Tate Modern.

The first was surprising, not what I expected but very interesting. I didn’t expect the museum of hygiene in Dresden (I have been there) to feature, and  I learnt about how the Nazis used it as a way of promoting ethnic cleansing.

The second was quite a bonkers exhibition. Taryn had researched blood lines and all the families featured had something in common. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone so go and play hunt the connection. The obvious ones are the rabbits!

Washed up Barcelona drag queens

I went to see the sometimes surreal, sometimes weird and sometimes moving Gardenia at Sadlers Wells recently, performed by a Belgian modern dance group.

The story is based on a drag cabaret night coming to an end and the performers who are part of it.

Most of the people involved were older men and the beginning scenes where they shuffled in a choreographed manner round the stage was very touching, followed by the recreation of their finest moments in drag.

There were some bits I didn’t fully understand (the fight scene between the only female character and the only young male character). I think if I can get my hands on the Spanish film it is based on Yo soy así all will become clear.

Worth seeing, will keep you talking afterwards, and you may – like me – even shed a tear.